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Post by Eaststand »

The End wrote:
Eaststand wrote: durrr.............I'll pick up on typos!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me feel smart.

No. Its to highlight you need to calm down and stop talking shit you'll regret in the morning.

I won't regret a single thing about this.

We were fucking piss poor after the goal, to the point it was embarrassing. It was a genuinely horrendous same as normal performance, shit ourselves and freeze showing.

I fucking hate england playing that way, the way we always do.
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Post by Eaststand »

subsub wrote:
Eaststand wrote:
subsub wrote:
Eaststand wrote:This kid from essex who pretends to support Liverpool reckons beating panama is an achievement.

Really? I was in my teens when we lost in 1990. You said this was the first semi with England in your lifetime. Go figure :rolleyes:
But anyway, East-o, please quit while you're way behind. You've made yourself look a total bellend during this tournament - don't make it any worse for yourself.

I know, that why you support liverpool. because they were winning while you were at school.

Please. Plastic fans have no opinion on football. You chase the glory, thats your thing, but opinions towards real fans, no thanks.

Oh dear, nice try.
You know you've fucked up massively on England so you've gone into deflection mode and now it's all about which club we support and where we're from.
Well, that won't work tonight, I'm afraid. England have narrowly lost a World Cup semi-final and the first thing you do is launch into an embarrassing diatribe about the England manager. Really? You should scroll back and take a look at what you've posted about England - I'm sure it will make for entertaining reading.
The one thing you should also take from this is not to act like a dog with a bone when you've been royally cunted, as has happened several times during this tournament.

Not really mate. A person who chooses who to support based on what trophies they win doesnt understand supporting a football team. You dont understand how it feels to lose. Everything you feel is fake.
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Post by tennisman »

kancutlawns wrote:
subsub wrote:
kancutlawns wrote:Easty, I don’t think we were shit. We got as far as we did in the tournament with some quality. Yes, we may have had a somewhat easier draw but did anyone of us seriously expect us to get to the semis?

On the night, we didn’t capitalise in our goal lead and showed naivety but we played against a side with a lot of quality. We’re all disappointed, I am, you are but it’s been an adventure. I’ve enioyed it, Croatia and France have better, more experienced players. We fell short. Southgate has developed the side from Hodgson and Capello who were utter dross.

=D> =D>
Spot on, Lawns-o

Sub, I’ve just listened to a caller called Aaron from Leicester on the Sports Bar call England an utter disgrace, who didn’t have a clue, are failures and wasted so many chances whilst not having a chance. Cundy to be fair was speechless and called him scum as he was was a negative twat. I’m sure many thousands will talk like Aaron tonight.

KCL, I wish they'd have Danny Kelly on instead of Cundy for nights like this.

Danny is so much better at taking emotional calls and trying to bring the points made back into some sort of balance.

Cundy is too much of a fan to be running a phone in like this.

Also, they do get some extreme callers ringing in though.

PS This tournament has been a far cry from the Croatia night back in '07 when TS was bombarded for nearly 2 DAYS with calls about England when Steve McCl. resigned etc.

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Post by subsub »

Eaststand wrote:See, sub and endos reactions are why England are shit at everything.

the "oh we did really well, not winning is great" attitude can fuck right off

When did I say that us not winning is great?
You really are making a total fool of yourself :lol:

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Well, to be fair, I was correct. As soon as we faced a real team, we folded and Southgate had no idea how to change to outcome.

Roll on the Euros, where we fail again.
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Post by subsub »

The End wrote:
Eaststand wrote: durrr.............I'll pick up on typos!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me feel smart.

No. Its to highlight you need to calm down and stop talking shit you'll regret in the morning.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by The End »

Eaststand wrote:
The End wrote:
Eaststand wrote: durrr.............I'll pick up on typos!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me feel smart.

No. Its to highlight you need to calm down and stop talking shit you'll regret in the morning.
We were fucking piss poor after the goal, to the point it was embarrassing. It was a genuinely horrendous same as normal performance, shit ourselves and freeze showing.

You seem to be the only person who thinks quite this extremely, and haven't given a single thought towards the opposition.
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Post by kancutlawns »

The End wrote:
Eaststand wrote:you should be angry with that performance then.

we had it in our hands and threw it away.

Why should I be angry with a young and inexperienced side narrowly losing 2-1 after extra time to a far more experienced and streetwise side featuring three of the best midfielders in world football?

I think we’ve done really well in the tournament. Southgate has moulded these young players into a cohesive unit, they play with thrust and purpose. We stoped short against true world class talent like Modric, Rakatic, Perisic and Mandzukic. We can be very proud of how we’ve grown this tournament. Some here have to gain satisfaction somehow. No helping some but they’ll be drowned out in their own blle.

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Post by The End »

Eaststand wrote:Well, to be fair, I was correct. As soon as we faced a real team, we folded and Southgate had no idea how to change to outcome.

Roll on the Euros, where we fail again.

Is this another guarantee, like the guaranteed defeat to Colombia?

Fucking belt up. England doesn't need so-called fans like you.
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Post by subsub »

Eaststand wrote:Well, to be fair, I was correct. As soon as we faced a real team, we folded and Southgate had no idea how to change to outcome

I'll ask again: when did I say that us not winning was great?

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Post by mikebv »

tennisman wrote:I can't say anything that hasn't already been said.

The team was left wanting marginally in allareas; up front, through the middle and at the back but it's those small margins which make the difference.

In all the matches, the side has started well but then faded. Kane has to score that chance really and after Lingard stroked the ball past the right hand post, not much more was created.

I'm not anti Henderson or Dier but they are functional journeymen in their positions, albeit at a high level. Further forward, Deli and Lingard are more dependent on others creating for them than they are creating for others (Deli more than Lingard).

In defence, they didn't attack the ball - Percic ducked in almost on the 6 yard line and in slo-mo, as Roy Keen said, John Stones stood still for the split that it took Mandzukic the time to slip in behind and score. If not suffering from physical fatigue, they were switching off mentally as the minutes ticked by. Imagine Chiellini and his Juve boys defending that lead?

But once behind, the lack of a real creator in midfield meant they were relying on the likes of Rashford etc to spark one way or the other which, at that level, they can't do, not yet certainly.

As the ITV pundits said, by the end, the Croats were beginning to do those 4-5 pass moves in the middle third where my head was spinning from in front of the TV, let alone the England midfielders.

Southgate was great at the end and so were the fans.

Onwards and upwards for the 2020 Euros. If they reach the semi-final and final, football will truly be coming home with the matches being held at Wembley.

An accurate summation. .

When the game was in the balance England went more 'route one' and played it down the channels and hope it stuck

Croatia played those 55/45:balls to a team mate believing and trusting he would deal with it and gain a team advantage. .

Bottom line is (and was) Croatia have a fair few better Footballers than England..

No disgrace in getting beat by a better team..
Last edited by mikebv on Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by kancutlawns »

The End wrote:
Eaststand wrote:
The End wrote:
Eaststand wrote: durrr.............I'll pick up on typos!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me feel smart.

No. Its to highlight you need to calm down and stop talking shit you'll regret in the morning.
We were fucking piss poor after the goal, to the point it was embarrassing. It was a genuinely horrendous same as normal performance, shit ourselves and freeze showing.

You seem to be the only person who thinks quite this extremely, and haven't given a single thought towards the opposition.

A lot of people are like this sadly and the loudest exponents of utter cuntish observations like this are those like one or two here and those who know fuck all like Alan Brazil and disrespect the opposition.

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Post by Basualdo »

One good thing for you now is that you can now all enjoy the final now with out the nerves.
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Post by lasharoo »

Gutted, I will never see England lift a pot in my lifetime, that was the chance.

Good first 20+ minutes for us, if we had scored another then it was goodnight Croatia, but the lads looked like they run out of steam and dropped deep letting them come on to us, that's a bit puzzling seeing as they were the ones who had just played two 120 minute games.

At the minute my initial gut reaction is losing to the krauts in Italia 90 hurt more, but over time this could be the real sickener.

Anyway, it was a hell of a ride, cheers boys.
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Post by kancutlawns »

mikebv wrote:
tennisman wrote:I can't say anything that hasn't already been said.

The team was left wanting marginally in allareas; up front, through the middle and at the back but it's those small margins which make the difference.

In all the matches, the side has started well but then faded. Kane has to score that chance really and after Lingard stroked the ball past the right hand post, not much more was created.

I'm not anti Henderson or Dier but they are functional journeymen in their positions, albeit at a high level. Further forward, Deli and Lingard are more dependent on others creating for them than they are creating for others (Deli more than Lingard).

In defence, they didn't attack the ball - Percic ducked in almost on the 6 yard line and in slo-mo, as Roy Keen said, John Stones stood still for the split that it took Mandzukic the time to slip in behind and score. If not suffering from physical fatigue, they were switching off mentally as the minutes ticked by. Imagine Chiellini and his Juve boys defending that lead?

But once behind, the lack of a real creator in midfield meant they were relying on the likes of Rashford etc to spark one way or the other which, at that level, they can't do, not yet certainly.

As the ITV pundits said, by the end, the Croats were beginning to do those 4-5 pass moves in the middle third where my head was spinning from in front of the TV, let alone the England midfielders.

Southgate was great at the end and so were the fans.

Onwards and upwards for the 2020 Euros. If they reach the semi-final and final, football will truly be coming home with the matches being held at Wembley.

An accurate summation. .

When the game was in the balance England when more 'route one' and played it down the channels and hope it stuck

Croatia played those 55/45:balls to a team mate believing and trusting he would deal with it and gain a team advantage. .

Bottom line is (and was) Croatia have a fair few better Footballers than England..

No disgrace in getting beat by a better team..


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